const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const ReactNative = require('@callstack/repack');
* More documentation, installation, usage, motivation and differences with Metro is available at:
* The API documentation for the functions and plugins used in this file is available at:
* This is the Webpack configuration file for your React Native project.
* It can be used in 2 ways:
* - by running React Native CLI eg: `npx react-native start` or `npx react-native bundle`
* - by running Webpack CLI eg: `PLATFORM=(ios|android) npx webpack-cli -c webpack.config.js`
* Depending on which option you chose the output might be different, since when running with
* React Native CLI most of the values from `getMode`, `getPlatform`, etc. will be filled in by React Native CLI.
* However, when running with Webpack CLI, you might want to tweak `fallback` values to your liking.
* Please refer to the API documentation for list of options, plugins and their descriptions.
* Get options from React Native CLI when Webpack is run from `react-native start` or `react-native bundle`.
* If you run Webpack using Webpack CLI, the values from `fallback` will be used - use it
* to specify your values, if the defaults don't suit your project.
const mode = ReactNative.getMode({ fallback: 'development' });
const dev = mode === 'development';
const context = ReactNative.getContext();
const entry = ReactNative.getEntry();
const platform = ReactNative.getPlatform({ fallback: process.env.PLATFORM });
const minimize = ReactNative.isMinimizeEnabled({ fallback: !dev });
const devServer = ReactNative.getDevServerOptions();
const reactNativePath = ReactNative.getReactNativePath();
* Depending on your Babel configuration you might want to keep it.
* If you don't use `env` in your Babel config, you can remove it.
* Keep in mind that if you remove it you should set `BABEL_ENV` or `NODE_ENV`
* to `development` or `production`. Otherwise your production code might be compiled with
* in development mode by Babel.
process.env.BABEL_ENV = mode;
* Webpack configuration.
module.exports = {
* This should be always `false`, since the Source Map configuration is done
* by `SourceMapDevToolPlugin`.
devtool: false,
* `getInitializationEntries` will return necessary entries with setup and initialization code.
* If you don't want to use Hot Module Replacement, set `hmr` option to `false`. By default,
* HMR will be enabled in development mode.
entry: [
...ReactNative.getInitializationEntries(reactNativePath, {
hmr: devServer.hmr,
resolve: {
* `getResolveOptions` returns additional resolution configuration for React Native.
* If it's removed, you won't be able to use `<file>.<platform>.<ext>` (eg: `file.ios.js`)
* convention and some 3rd-party libraries that specify `react-native` field
* in their `package.json` might not work correctly.
* Uncomment this to ensure all `react-native*` imports will resolve to the same React Native
* dependency. You might need it when using workspaces/monorepos or unconventional project
* structure. For simple/typical project you won't need it.
// alias: {
// 'react-native': reactNativePath,
// },
* Configures output.
* It's recommended to leave it as it is unless you know what you're doing.
* By default Webpack will emit files into the directory specified under `path`. In order for the
* React Native app use them when bundling the `.ipa`/`.apk`, they need to be copied over with
* `ReactNative.OutputPlugin`, which is configured by default.
output: {
clean: true,
path: path.join(__dirname, 'build', platform),
filename: 'index.bundle',
chunkFilename: '[name].chunk.bundle',
publicPath: ReactNative.getPublicPath(devServer),
* Configures optimization of the built bundle.
optimization: {
/** Enables minification based on values passed from React Native CLI or from fallback. */
/** Configure minimizer to process the bundle. */
minimizer: [
new TerserPlugin({
test: /\.(js)?bundle(\?.*)?$/i,
* Prevents emitting text file with comments, licenses etc.
* If you want to gather in-file licenses, feel free to remove this line or configure it
* differently.
extractComments: false,
terserOptions: {
format: {
comments: false,
module: {
* This rule will process all React Native related dependencies with Babel.
* If you have a 3rd-party dependency that you need to transpile, you can add it to the
* `include` list.
* You can also enable persistent caching with `cacheDirectory` - please refer to:
rules: [
test: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
include: [
use: 'babel-loader',
* Here you can adjust loader that will process your files.
* You can also enable persistent caching with `cacheDirectory` - please refer to:
test: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
/** Add React Refresh transform only when HMR is enabled. */
plugins: devServer.hmr ? ['module:react-refresh/babel'] : undefined,
* This loader handles all static assets (images, video, audio and others), so that you can
* use (reference) them inside your application.
* If you wan to handle specific asset type manually, filter out the extension
* from `ASSET_EXTENSIONS`, for example:
* ```
* ReactNative.ASSET_EXTENSIONS.filter((ext) => ext !== 'svg')
* ```
test: ReactNative.getAssetExtensionsRegExp(
use: {
loader: '@callstack/repack/assets-loader',
options: {
devServerEnabled: devServer.enabled,
* Defines which assets are scalable - which assets can have
* scale suffixes: `@1x`, `@2x` and so on.
* By default all images are scalable.
scalableAssetExtensions: ReactNative.SCALABLE_ASSETS,
plugins: [
* Various libraries like React and React rely on `process.env.NODE_ENV` / `__DEV__`
* to distinguish between production and development
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__DEV__: JSON.stringify(dev),
* This plugin makes sure the resolution for assets like images works with scales,
* for example: `image@1x.png`, `image@2x.png`.
new ReactNative.AssetsResolverPlugin({
* React Native environment (globals and APIs that are available inside JS) differ greatly
* from Web or Node.js. This plugin ensures everything is setup correctly so that features
* like Hot Module Replacement will work correctly.
new ReactNative.TargetPlugin(),
* By default Webpack will emit files into `output.path` directory (eg: `<root>/build/ios`),
* but in order to for the React Native application to include those files (or a subset of those)
* they need to be copied over to correct output directories supplied from React Native CLI
* when bundling the code (with `webpack-bundle` command).
* All remote chunks will be placed under `remoteChunksOutput` directory (eg: `<root>/build/<platform>/remote` by default).
* In development mode (when development server is running), this plugin is a no-op.
new ReactNative.OutputPlugin({
devServerEnabled: devServer.enabled,
remoteChunksOutput: path.join(__dirname, 'build', platform, 'remote'),
* Runs development server when running with React Native CLI start command or if `devServer`
* was provided as s `fallback`.
new ReactNative.DevServerPlugin({
* Configures Source Maps for the main bundle based on CLI options received from
* React Native CLI or fallback value..
* It's recommended to leave the default values, unless you know what you're doing.
* Wrong options might cause symbolication of stack trace inside React Native app
* to fail - the app will still work, but you might not get Source Map support.
new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
test: /\.(js)?bundle$/,
exclude: /\.chunk\.(js)?bundle$/,
filename: '[file].map',
append: `//# sourceMappingURL=[url]?platform=${platform}`,
* Uncomment for faster builds but less accurate Source Maps
// columns: false,
* Configures Source Maps for any additional chunks.
* It's recommended to leave the default values, unless you know what you're doing.
* Wrong options might cause symbolication of stack trace inside React Native app
* to fail - the app will still work, but you might not get Source Map support.
new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
test: /\.(js)?bundle$/,
include: /\.chunk\.(js)?bundle$/,
filename: '[file].map',
append: `//# sourceMappingURL=[url]?platform=${platform}`,
* Uncomment for faster builds but less accurate Source Maps
// columns: false,
* Logs messages and progress.
* It's recommended to always have this plugin, otherwise it might be difficult
* to figure out what's going on when bundling or running development server.
new ReactNative.LoggerPlugin({
devServerEnabled: devServer.enabled,
output: {
console: true,
* Uncomment for having logs stored in a file to this specific compilation.
* Compilation for each platform gets it's own log file.
// file: path.join(__dirname, `${mode}.${platform}.log`),